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You may return unused items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. Orders that are still in transit or exceed this time frame are not eligible for return or exchange. We'll also pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of our error (you received an incorrect or defective item, etc.). If the return is caused by the consumer, consumer should be responsible for the shipping fee. The specific fee should be based on the express company you choose.
You should expect to receive your refund within four weeks of giving your package to the return shipper, however, in many cases you will receive a refund more quickly. This time period includes the transit time for us to receive your return from the shipper (5 to 10 business days), the time it takes us to process your return once we receive it (3 to 5 business days), and the time it takes your bank to process our refund request (5 to 10 business days).
If you need to return an item, please contact us ( with your order number and details about the product you would like to return. Refunds made without prior contact us will not be accepted.
To be eligible for a return or exchange, your item must be unused, in its original condition, and in the same state as when you received it. The item must also be in its original packaging.
If 30 days have passed since your purchase, unfortunately, we can't offer you a refund or exchange.
Please be sure to learn more about our refund policy above to ensure that your purchase is eligible.
Step 1: Send us an, please describe the reason and product pictures or videos and other information in the email crowd. We will review the information you provided and confirm whether your order meets our return or exchange criteria. Unconfirmed return or exchange requests will not be accepted. Please contact us first, thank you.
Step 2: Pack your items in the original packaging box you received. If you do not have the original packaging box, or your items are shipped in envelopes, please ensure that the quality of the packaging used is the same as or higher than the quality of the packaging used during shipping.
Step 3: Send the items according to the address given in the mail. We recommend shipping via FedEx or USPS, but of course we will allow you to use the most convenient method of transportation.
Step 4: Once you have the shipping tracking number, in addition to your name and order number, please send this information via email In addition to providing a faster return/exchange process, this also allows us to deliver your package to our store.
Step 5: Take the package to the appropriate drop-off location.
After receiving your package, we first need to verify whether it is eligible for return or exchange. If the item is returned, we will refund your payment using the method of your original payment. If the item is sent back for replacement, we will contact you to notify you when your replacement product will be sent back to you, and confirm the shipping address and the required time of arrival.
If you have any questions about our return/exchange process, or want to check whether the purchased goods are eligible for return or exchange, just send an email to:
Once any lost, stolen or undelivered items leave our facility, 'Rule Dice' will not take any responsibility. If shipping issues arise due to an incorrect address provided by the customer, the customer will be responsible for the reshipping costs. The reshipping fee depends on the actual address, so please make sure your shipping address is correct before confirming the order.
All claims for lost/damaged goods must be made directly to the delivery company before contacting 'Rule Dice'.
We are not responsible for shipping errors or issues not caused by us. If your local carrier provides instructions on how to collect your package, please follow their guidance to ensure successful delivery. For any shipping-related issues, please contact both the carrier and us promptly.
Unless otherwise stated, processed orders will usually be shipped within three to five business days.
Items are directly shipped via USPS (mail) and cooperating international carriers.
Shipping costs may vary based on your location. For international orders, the actual shipping may exceed the product purchase cost. The surcharge may include the USPS address correction fee charged to 'Rule Dice' when the address provided by the customer is incomplete or inaccurate.
If an accurate email address is provided when placing the order, the delivery confirmation number and tracking number are provided via email for most orders. E-mails can be blocked by the anti-spam software of certain e-mail services.
Add as an acceptable sender to avoid any potential problems. Before sending a shipping confirmation via email, any changes to the delivery address must be requested. Due to the change of address, will not be liable for undelivered items. Please contact us before requesting any refunds. Refund requests made without our response or without prior contact will not be accepted.